Data to accompany the article “Sharp crested Breaking Surface Waves Observed from a Ship Based Stereo Video System”


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These data accompany the article “Sharp-crested Breaking Surface Waves Observed from a Ship-Based Stereo Video System,” by Schwendeman and Thomson in the Journal of Physical Oceanography (DOI: The data were collected during a cruise in December 2014 and January 2015 in the North Pacific Ocean onboard the R/V Thomas G. Thompson. Measurements were made from a shipboard stereo video system, two styles of drifting wave buoys (SWIFT and Waverider), as well as the standard R/V Thompson measurement systems. Ship, SWIFT, and Waverider data are provided as standalone files (“ShipData_TGT2015.mat”, “SWIFTdata_TGT2015.mat”, and “WaveriderSpectra_TGT2015.mat”). Stereo video data is provided as gridded sea surface elevation and surface radiance data products. The raw image frames are not provided, but are available upon request from the authors. The gridded data products are stored in one-minute segments, and are contained in two directories. One (“StereoXYZData_FiveMin”) contains five minutes of data from 52 vidoes of moderate-to-high quality. The other (“StereoXYZData_FullCapture”), contains all data (20-60 minutes) from only the highest quality videos. Finally, two directories are provided to replicate the analysis from Schwendeman and Thomson (2017). The analysis codes (written in Matlab) are provided in “StereoAnalysisCodes_JPO.” When run correctly, these codes produce the results and figures found in “ResultsAndPlot_JPO.”
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