NOAA National Water Level Observation Network Requirements

Robert Loesch,Gregory Dusek, Chung-Chu Teng, Peter Stone

OCEANS 2023 - MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast(2023)

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The National Ocean Service's (NOS) Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) provides the National infrastructure, science, and technical expertise to collect and distribute observations and predictions of water levels and currents. The foundational purpose of the NWLON is to provide the national vertical reference framework (tidal and Great Lakes datums) for monitoring and communicating water levels, and providing long-term sea-level trends. CO-OPS establishes standards for the collection and processing of water level and current data; collects and documents user requirements, which serve as the foundation for all resulting program activities; designs new and/or improved oceanographic observing systems; designs software to improve CO-OPS' data processing capabilities; maintains and operates oceanographic observing systems; performs operational data analysis/quality control; and produces/disseminates oceanographic products. This paper summarizes CO-OPS NWLON requirements and the detailed considerations that go into each NWLON station. CO-OPS is finalizing the full NWLON Requirements Technical Report and it will be published soon.
water level,NWLON,requirements
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